Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jackson's first Christmas

I'm not sure that I fully enjoy blogging yet...and I have a ton of unpacking and cleaning up to do...yet here I sit at the computer, starting a new post. I guess that just shows how much I REALLY don't want to unpack at the moment. It's been a long time, but let's just jump right to our Christmas break. And let's be honest, any time I look at other people's blogs, I go straight to look at any new pictures, so this is my "picture" post.

Since this was our first Christmas with Jackson, we decided it was the year to start our "family traditions". Tradition number one: Go visit Santa Clause
Jackson had no idea what to think. He didn't cry...he didn't smile...he just stared at Santa.

Tradition number two: Opening matching pajama pants on Christmas Eve

Tradition number three: Read "Twas The Night Before Christmas" before we put Jackson to bed. (Along with the Christmas story of course)

Jackson wasn't thrilled to be woken up at first on Christmas morning, but once he got a hold of some wrapping paper, he got the hang of things.

He wasn't about to let anyone take some of his new toys.

But one of his favorite toys was a little Winnie the Pooh ball that he could palm.


  1. Haha, I love that you're sitting on Santa's lap too. :) And I love your description of Jackson's experience - he just stared at Santa. Hahaha. I mean, let's be honest - who doesn't?? Fun Christmas!!! I think we need to see each other next time you're here, hmm?? :)

  2. Haha Kathryn he is such a cute little guy...that last picture is pretty amazing! I'm so glad all is well!

  3. Yay I was wondering about you and your little blog just yesterday. But fun Christmas! You guys are such a cute little family. I like the matching pajamas!
