I think I am officially inducted into true motherhood now. Jackson is 10 and 1/2 months old, and I've had to rock him back to sleep in the middle of the night when he was younger, and strip his bed down in the middle of the night because of tummy trouble. But those were just "rookie" mother moments. Last night, it was game time. Turns out, what we thought was just a cold, was actually two ear infections and a sinus infection. Needless to say, Jackson and I have spent some real bonding time with each other the past few nights. I sat up in the recliner with him until about 4:45 am, just rocking him so he could sleep elevated. Then we were up again at 6 doing the same routine. Every time I laid him down, he could have a coughing episode and just cry. When they are little and whimper in their sleep, it's the cutest little thing. When they are a little bit older and whimper in their sleep because they don't feel good, it just breaks your heart. I'll stay up any night for that little boy.
Dad let him suck on a piece of liquorish for a minute to make him feel better once I brought him home from the Doctor....I'm not sure that was the best idea...he refused to give it up.
It's a little tricky without any teeth.
Feeling crummy or not, Jackson always takes time to smile at the camera.
Ohhh poor boy. That is so sad.