Sunday, September 23, 2012

Project "get rid of the pacifier"

Jackson has been overly attached to his pacifier ever since he entered this world. He couldn't function without it as a baby, and he couldn't fall asleep without tears without it as a toddler.  He has never gone to sleep without his pacifier.  Not once.  So a little over a week ago, I decided that it was time to just bite the bullet, and get rid of the thing. He was only ever allowed to have it at bedtime or nap time, but he had started sneaking it out of his crib, and hiding under his blanket with it. Not gonna stand for that in this household. Not with a 2.5 year old. I decided it would just be best to go cold turkey. Every time I'd put him in his crib, he would demand 2 things. His blanket and his "pass throw". Just a little side note...he called it his "pass throw" because every time I'd get him out of bed, I'd tell him to "throw it away," before he could get up and play. One day he just decided to combine the words "pacifier" and "throw it away". So from then on, it's been known as a "pass throw" in this house.

People suggested cutting holes in the tips of the pacifiers, or having Jackson give it to someone, or just slowing throwing them away. (He had a total of 7 stashed away in his crib.) I decided to go a different route involving junk food and movies...good idea, right?

Trenton always works late on Friday nights, so I decided to just take the task of getting rid of the pacifier on my own, and doing it sleepover style. So last Friday night, I pulled our spare bed apart, and brought the queen mattress downstairs (by myself mind you), and I took the boys to the store with me, where I let Jackson pick out any candy or any treats he wanted. We then hit Blockbuster, where he picked out "The Incredibles". Jordan thought a big mattress on the living room floor was the absolute coolest thing ever, so I just couldn't put him to bed without being able to join in on the fun a little bit. That little boy gets anything he wants from me...

This was the boys "helping" me with the bed.

Jordan refused to let me make the bed...

Watching movie #1, Toy Story.

Candy, snacks, french fries, and two movies later....Not a single tear....not a single request for a "pass throw." 

And then of course we let Jordan join us again in the morning.

 I think Jackson's first sleepover was a success.  And who doesn't love cuddling with their 2 year old all night?  It's not going to last forever, so I'll take all the sleepovers I can get for right now!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! PERFECT tactic. Love it. You're such a good mama :)

    Also. I would absolutely LLLOVE to live by you guys in Denver.......! Keep your fingers crossed that Nick gets accepted there! We'll find out the beginning of next year sometime... :)
