Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our baby boy isn't a baby anymore...

Jackson officially isn't a baby anymore...he's 1 year-old!!!

This week has been an eventful one for the little guy, and it's only Tuesday. On Sunday, some of our friends were nice enough to come and celebrate his actual birthday with us. Once again, he was a spoiled little boy and loved all of his presents and his piece of cake that we let him go at on his own. I hate that I didn't get a picture of it, but after he finished eating THE ENTIRE piece of cake, he started licking the icing off of his tray. The kid already loves his sweets!

Then today, I took him in for his 12 month well child check-up. The poor kid had 6 shots and a few other invasive things done to him. I know it isn't funny, but I can't help but laugh when he yells at the nurses. After they gave him his first 2 shots simultaneously, he just glared at them and yelled. The 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th shots definitely weren't funny though. Before, Jackson has always been small enough that the nurses just do their little routine, and when they're finished, they say, "Okay Mom," and I step in and look like the hero when I pick him up off the table. This time...they made me participate because he's gotten so big and mobile. I definitely didn't love having to pin him down while they stuck needle after needle into his little legs, while crocodile tears rolled down his cheeks. Thankfully, he only cried for a minute, and I was still the hero when I picked him off of the table and distracted him with a tongue depressor the doctor let him play with. He thought it was the best thing ever, and was all smiles at anyone that talked to him on our way out. We've always thought of him as a big boy, and his numbers today definitely proved that to be fact.
Height: 99th percentile
Weight: 96th percentile

Head: 31st percentile

I promise his head doesn't look as small as the comparison in numbers looks. We think he's a pretty handsome boy, and we're getting more and more excited for his little brother to join the family.

We've taught Jackson how to say, "What's that?" And this is the typical face that goes along with that saying.

We love our little toddler more than anything.


  1. Kathryn, he is so handsome! That story of the shots makes me sad though. I HATE shots. I remember my dad having to hold me down for them when I had my kidney problems and now looking back I feel way more sorry for him than for me haha. I'm sorry you had to do that!

  2. Wow he is so cute and so big!! I love it. You're such a lucky mom to have such a cute, happy kid!

  3. Ahhh, what a little handsome guy :) My favorite part is when he ate the entire piece of cake. Haha, atta boy ;)

  4. I seriously can't get enough of his cute smile! He's adorable Kathryn! Such a fun first birthday! :o)
